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Improving The Experience For Your Fans Revealing Player Performance Insights! Through compelling graphical visualizations and video analysis, teams, leagues, media rights holders, sponsors and fans can leverage more visually objective, data-driven insight from sport. Paint Paint is a powerful. Take your team to the next level with Sports Clip Maker. An effective sports analysis video editing tool that sporting coaches can use to improve individual players and whole team performance through visual learning. Simply place the video of your game to your computer and add it to SportsClipMaker. Let us be your soccer video editing assistant! For soccer video analysis, we edit and break down your games within 6-12 hours, so you can start coaching sooner. We mark clips on the timeline (as they happen) for situations, shots, and players, allowing you to then instantly watch your soccer. Also great for types of data analysis where you don’t need to know identities. Getting the coordinates of goalkeepers and the 10 field players of each team allows you to analyze different aspects of the game. With easy Sports-Software you can convey your training ideas, tactics and drills to your colleagues, fellow coaches and players faster than ever before From Preparation Until Game Day Our sports software help coaches and players to reach their goals more effectively.

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