If I execute the very same query (I'm building the query and returning it as an SP output) using a regular sql script execution IT DOES WORK!!! Any idea / know limitation / misunderstanding why EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sentence doesn't work in this scenario? I'm using IBM Data Studio and iNavigator for development and test (same result in both of them). EXECUTE IMMEDIATE(SQL) INTO USING The above syntax shows EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command. Clause INTO is optional and used only if the dynamic SQL contains a select statement that fetches values. The variable type should match with the. In this blog post, we will show you how can we use Execute Immediate statement to retrieve the data. Following is the small PL/SQL stored procedure that demonstrates the use of Execute Immediate. Connect to the database via SQL.Plus using proper credentials and create the following procedure. The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement then runs that statement, updating all the records in ORDERS in library MYLIB. So let's combine these! Let's do this: wSQL = 'update ' +%trim (iLib) + '.ORDERS set ORSTAT = 00 where ORCUST =:iCust'; exec sql execute immediate:wSQL; Unfortunately, the precompiler doesn't like that syntax either.
Discussion List. US Airways Blue. 125 views 0 comments 0 points Started by micstatic November 2020. Paintkit for the Majestic Dash8 Q400. 156 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by kroswynd September 2020. Oregon State Univ. 'Beavers' 171 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by N425CV July 2020. Majestic Software MJC8 Q400 addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Lockheed Martin Prepar3d. MJC8 Q400 is a Flight Simulator addon, built after the Bombardier ™ Dash-8 Q400 turboprop aircraft. It has started as a software framework for the FNPT level flight simulator and later separated into an independant project, which provides. EDRM-Repaints – Bombardier Q400 The Bombardier Dash 8 or Q-Series is a series of twin-engined, medium range, turboprop airliners. Introduced by de Havilland Canada (DHC) in 1984, they are now produced by Bombardier Aerospace.
The EXECUTEIMMEDIATEstatement executes a dynamic SQL statement or anonymous PL/SQL block. You can use it to issue SQL statements that cannot be represented directly in PL/SQL, or to build up statements where you do not know all the table names, WHERE clauses, and so on in advance. For more information, see Chapter 7.
I have script that has 'excecute immediately' using in out parameters. It is giving error when migrating from Oracle to Edb. I checked the execute immediately and dynamic sql in the site: https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/en/9.4/oracompat/Database_Compatibility_for_Oracle_Developers_Guid..
I can't seem to find example of excecute immediately' using in out parameters like Oracle.
For example:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE variableb USING IN id, OUT v_count or
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Accepted Solutions
You can try something like given below as a workaround:
I have script that has 'excecute immediately' using in out parameters. It is giving error when migrating from Oracle to Edb. I checked the execute immediately and dynamic sql in the site: https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/en/9.4/oracompat/Database_Compatibility_for_Oracle_Developers_Guid..
I can't seem to find example of excecute immediately' using in out parameters like Oracle.
For example:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE variableb USING IN id, OUT v_count or
Currently, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE USING IN, IN OUT is not supported. You need to workaround to get the similar behavior or you can reach out to EDB support for more assistance.
Currently supported syntax https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/en/10.0/Ora_Compat_Dev_Guide/Database_Compatibility_for_Oracle_Dev..
What's the workaround to get the similar behavior:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE variableb USING IN id, OUT v_count or
HighlightedAs400 Sql Insert Example
You can try something like given below as a workaround: